La Confederació Nacional del Treball, CNT, es va fundar a Barcelona el 1910. Aquest sindicat recull les anteriors tradicions associacionistes dels treballadors de l’estat espanyol creades a partir dels nuclis apolítics i antiautoritaris de la 1a Internacional (últim terç del segle XIX).

El 1917 va convocar, al costat de la U.G.T., una vaga general en contra de la situació general del país. L’enfortiment significatiu del sindicat es va produir a partir de 1918, moment en què la crisi de la indústria catalana va impulsar a milers d’obrers a afiliar-se a l’organització. El mateix any es va produir la vaga de «La Canadenca» (l’actual companyia de la llum) on la CNT va aconseguir la implantació de la jornada de 8 hores. Per tal de contrarestar la força adquirida per la massa obrera organitzada, va sorgir el pistolerisme, finançat pels patrons, que va sembrar la violència ciutadana i va aconseguir desestabilitzar el sindicat. El 1923, després de la implantació de la dictadura de Miguel Primo de Rivera, la CNT va entrar a la clandestinitat. La seva activitat en aquest període va estar marcada per la participació en diverses confabulacions dirigides a acabar amb el règim.

Amb l’arribada de la II República (1931), el nombre d’afiliats a la CNT es va incrementar espectacularment, arribant a comptabilitzar fins a 1.200.000 treballadors i treballadores organitzades en els sindicats confederals. Durant aquest període, a part de les lluites per aconseguir les millores laborals més immediates, la CNT va participar, quan no va propiciar directament, diversos moviments revolucionaris. A Andalusia es va dur a terme la revolució social immediata, la repressió va ser tan forta (Casas Viejas) que la CNT va preconitzar l’abstenció en les eleccions de 1933. A Astúries, els cenetistes van signar el pacte d’Aliança Obrera amb la UGT i van protagonitzar la Revolució d’Octubre (1934). Com a conseqüència de les dures represàlies que el govern de la Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas (CEDA) va posar en pràctica contra els obrers revoltats, es va formar la coalició del Front Popular, i la CNT no va aconsellar, en aquesta ocasió, l’abstenció dels seus afiliats i afiliades, i va afavorir així el triomf electoral de l’esquerra.

Al començar la Guerra Civil el 1936, la CNT, en contra de les seves idees apolítiques i antiestatistes que sempre havia mantingut, va participar en el govern republicà espanyol i en el de la Generalitat (òrgan de govern autònom de Catalunya). Els milicians i milicianes cenetistes van aconseguir fer front als revoltats a Catalunya i Aragó. A les zones que van estar sota el seu control, van posar en marxa la revolució social i van dur a terme les col·lectivitzacions a la indústria i al camp.

La derrota republicana en el conflicte bèlic va significar la mort o l’exili per a la majoria de la  militància, encara que la CNT va continuar participant en la lluita contra el general i dictador Francisco Franco, des del moviment obrer i des de la guerrilla.

Després de la mort de Franco (1975), en els anys de transició, va ressorgir la CNT com a central sindical. Legalitzada, amb la resta dels sindicats, el 1977, va postular el comunisme llibertari i l’anarcosindicalisme, manifestant la seva clara oposició a la dictadura franquista però sense situar-se de forma nítida al costat de les organitzacions defensores de l’ordre burgès establert.

En l’actualitat, tot i no tenir la força que va tenir en altres temps, la CNT manté la seva presència en diversos sectors i en conflictes que enfronten als treballadores i treballadors amb la patronal.


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Treadmill performance predicts mortality Analyzing data from 58,000 heart stress tests, Johns Hopkins cardiologists report they have developed a formula that estimates one’s risk of dying over a decade based on a person’s ability to exercise on a treadmill at an increasing speed and incline. Several exercise based risk scoring systems already in use are designed to measure short term risk of dying but do so strictly among patients with established heart disease or overt signs of cardiovascular trouble. Such scores factor in multiple variables and incorporate results from additional tests, including electrocardiograms (EKGs). By contrast, the new algorithm, dubbed the FIT Treadmill Score and described in the March 2 issue of the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, can gauge long term death risk in anyone based solely on treadmill exercise performance. The score, the research team says, could yield valuable clues about a person’s health and should be calculated for the millions of patients who undergo cardiac stress
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All you really need to know is that any league that has a player with a nickname like «Deacon» a «Lawyer» and a «Minister» has Authenitc Womens Chuck Bednarik jersey to be alright . The following Elite Kids Brad Smith jersey are some of Elite Womens Chuck Bednarik jersey Youth Brandon Elite Youth Brandon Graham jersey Graham jersey the greatest nick names that have played on the gridiron.

NFL Great Football NamesWilliam Perry «The Refrigerator» «The Fridge»

He is best known for his years as a defensive lineman for the Chicago Bears. In reference to his large size, he was popularly known as «The Refrigerator» or, abbreviated, «The Fridge».

He came onto the gridiron arena in 1985 and played for the Chicago Bears defense. William Perry last played in 1994 for the Philadelphia Eagles. And one look at him and you understand how William Authenitc Youth Brandon Graham jersey Perry got his name.

Here are Some Memorable Moments from the «Fridge»

During Super Bowl Authenitc Brad Smith jersey XLIV, Perry joined other members of the 1985 Chicago Bears in resurrecting the Super Bowl Shuffle in a Boost Mobile commercial. Hipp was born on February 15, 1956 in Chapin, South Carolina. After going to high school at Elite Black Darren Sproles jersey Chapin (SC), Hipp attended the University of Nebraska where he played for University of Nebraska as a running back. He made his professional debut in the NFL in 1980 with the Oakland Raiders. He played for the Oakland Raiders for his entire 1 year career.

1995 Inductee, Nebraska Football Hall of FameFourth Round Draft Pick, 1980 Elite Womens Darren Sproles jersey NFL Draft (Atlanta)Someone please tell me how could anyone ever forget him if not for his name.

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Ed Too Tall Jones was a member of the famed Dallas Cowboys «Doomsday Defense» squad of the 1970s. By the Donnie Jones jersey end of his 15 years with Elite Blue Brad Smith jersey the Cowboys, he was officially Authenitc Womens Byron Maxwell jersey credited with 57 quarterback sacks.

Jones was given the nickname «Too Tall» because of his height, 6 ft 9 in Elite Black Brad Smith jersey Mens Darren Sproles jersey (206 cm).

He once starred in a GEICO commercial that first aired in Kids Donnie Jones jersey late 2009. The commercial rhetorically asks if Jones is indeed «too tall,» then confirms it by showing a nurse attempting to measure his height but breaking the machine.

Charles Edward Greene»Mean Joe» Greene

Charles Edward Greene was born September 24, 1946. He is a former all pro American football defensive tackle who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the NFL. Throughout the Authenitc Kids Brad Smith jersey early 1970s he was one of the most dominant defensive player in the NFL. There are many that consider him to be the greatest defensive lineman ever and was the cornerstone of the legendary «Steel Curtain» defense.

He got his NFL nickname when he played for Pittsburgh. It was the fan base who mistakenly assumed that the North Texas team nickname of «Mean Green» was Elite Kids Chuck Bednarik jersey Joe Greene’s nickname but it was that Coach Rust’s wife wanted to give a nickname to the team’s outstanding defense. Since green is the school’s main color, she gave the defense the name «Mean Green». In reality as a man and as a player he was really a good guy.

He will be forever remembered from the commercial that he did when he appeared on September 1, 1979 in which a child (Tommy Okon) gives him a Coke, prompting «Mean» Joe to smile Elite Kids Byron Maxwell jersey and give Mens Byron Maxwell jersey the kid his team jersey.

He is also a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and a four time Super Bowl champion.

Reginald Howard «Reggie» White»The Minister of Defense»Reggie White played defensive end for 15 seasons in the NFL for the Philadelphia Eagles, Green Bay Packers and Carolina Panthers. He was one of the most decorated players in NFL history.

During his professional career, he became famous not only for his incredible defensive plays, but also for his Christian ministry as an ordained Evangelical minister. This led to his nickname, «the Minister of Defense.»

White was enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2006, two years after his death.

Lawyer MilloyA Pro Bowl defensive back, with a great name. You have to think that every time you see him cross over to the sidelines to consult with any of the coaches, you really could refer to this as a ‘sidebar’.

He played for the Seattle Seahawks of the NFL. Milloy was drafted by the New England Patriots in the second round of the 1996 NFL Draft. He played college football at the University of Washington.

Milloy has also played for the Buffalo Bills and Atlanta Falcons. He was a member of the Patriots Super Bowl XXXVI championship team.

EST February 5, 2014

For the NFL to reach its revenue goal by 2027, fans, broadcasters and sponsors will have to pay more and more

The NFL set a goal of $25 billion in revenue by 2027.(Photo: Kirby Lee, Elite White George Johnson jersey USA TODAY Sports)

Story HighlightsNFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says NFL Elite Blue C.J.Mosley jersey wants to grow from $10 billlion to $25 billion by 2027League revenue comes from four major sources: media rights, sponsors, attendance and Mens Dan Orlovsky jersey merchandisingOne risk Authenitc Blue Dan Orlovsky jersey for the NFL is whether its financial goals might price regular fans out of games

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It won’t stop there. The National Football League hopes to achieve $25 billion in annual revenue by 2027, Authenitc Womens Barry Sanders jersey up from about $10 billion now. Several Mens C.J.Mosley jersey analysts told USA TODAY Sports that the NFL can get there, but it will be an expensive journey. Kids George Johnson jersey More palatial stadiums. Expanded playoffs. More exposure in more places, Authenitc Kids George Johnson jersey including smartphones, games in London and more Womens C.J.Mosley jersey Thursday night games sold to the highest bidding network.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell gave the Elite Kids Dan Orlovsky jersey magic number at a meeting of Elite Youth Dan Orlovsky jersey NFL team owners in 2010: a goal of tripling league revenue in 17 years. If it happens, the NFL would have more income than the gross domestic products of dozens of small countries and would be in the same financial district currently occupied by gigantic global brands Elite Authenitc Haloti Ngata jersey George Johnson jersey such as Authenitc Haloti Ngata jersey McDonald’s, Nike and Goodyear Tire, each of which recently took in about $21 to $28 billion annually.

Who will pay the price? Fans, sponsors and broadcasters. The NFL remains the most popular sports league Authenitc White Dan Orlovsky jersey in America, and it commands a premium. If the average NFL Elite Blue C.J.Mosley jersey fan thinks the cost of attending games is already too high, how about paying ever higher prices to watch games on ESPN and the NFL Network? Cable and satellite TV providers pay ESPN an average of $6.04 per subscription per month, more than double from 10 years ago and dwarfing the likes of CNN (63 cents) and TBS (72 cents), according to SNL Kagan, a market research firm.

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